Summer is right around the corner, and the high temperatures and humidity aren’t without risk for our dogs. Every year, dogs pass away due to heatstroke, which is a life-threatening condition where the body temperature reaches abnormally high levels. Summer also makes life in general more complicated and uncomfortable, not only for us, but also for our furry companions. So, what can you do to keep your dog safe and as comfortable as possible during the summer?
Safety: Time and Length of the Walk
The most important factor in keeping your dog safe, is using your judgment day by day, and hour by hour about how long you can walk your dog safely. On some days, this might mean they shouldn’t be walked at all. It may feel wrong to not walk your dog and deny them their energy outlet of the day, but don’t compromise the safety of your dog. They will survive a few days without walks, but they might not survive a wrongly timed walk. On days when walks aren’t safe, use enriching activities to keep your dog busy.
When deciding if a walk is possible, it’s important to look at the individual animal, and extra care should be taken with pets that have predisposing factors to heat stroke, such as those that are overweight, have heart or respiratory disease, are very young or old, have a thick and/or long coat, and those that have a Brachiocephalic anatomy of the head. During the walk, keep a close eye on your dog for the first signs of heat stress, which is the predecessor for heatstroke. Symptoms of heat stress include increased thirst, increased panting, increasingly getting more restless, and slowly increased difficulty to breath
During the summer in the UAE, walks usually can only be done during or after sunset, or around sunrise. Be aware that heatstroke can happen at any time of the day, including at night. Humidity adds extra danger, as high humidity levels will prevent your dog from losing heat effectively. To give you a better idea, the effectiveness of heat loss through evaporation starts decreasing at humidity levels of greater than 35%, while humidity levels of around 80% will make heat loss through evaporation, such as panting, ineffective.
Make sure your dog always has water available, and always have water available on dog walks. Last but not least, know the first AID for heatstroke, as it can literally save your dog’s life. For our first AID guide on heatstroke, click here.
Safety: Dog Shoes
During the summer, surfaces that are walked on get extremely hot, which, when not prepared or cautious, can lead to burned paws. The general rule is that if you can’t hold the back of your hand on the floor for 5 seconds, it’s too hot for your dog to walk on. To protect the feet of your dog during those needed midday potty breaks or other moments when your dog will have to walk on flooring that could harm their feet, one can use dog shoes. If you would like to know more about how to teach your dog to wear dog shoes, then read our article: tips on how to train your dog to wear dog shoes.
Safety and Comfort: Cooling Vests, Beds and Blankets
One of the cooling mechanisms of dogs is evaporation, and cooling vests, beds, and blankets, can aid this process as they create a big surface where evaporation can take place. As read above, the effectiveness of a cooling through evaporation, will depend on the humidity levels in the air, and high humidity levels will render the cooling mechanism ineffective. Keep in mind that these products are a tool to help, but their effectiveness will be different depending on the weather conditions, and even for every dog, and there is always a risk of overheating even when using these products.
When choosing a cooling vest for your dog, make sure it’s well fitting to prevent shafing. Ensure it stays moist during the walk, else the vest will merely act as a sweater.
Safety and Comfort: Fan
Other things you can consider that can make your pet more comfortable and help them cool down are a fan, a spray bottle with water to mist them (focus on the underside of their body), and a paddling pool.
Ice treats, or frozen ice toys, are a good way to keep your dog more comfortable during hot weather and provide them with entertainment. Make sure to give ice treats in moderation, as they might cause an upset stomach.
Summer can be an uncomfortable and even dangerous time for our dogs. But with the right precautions, we can make the time as pleasant as possible for them, while keeping them safe.
Would you like to know more about our dog training, dog walking, or dog relocation services? Feel free to contact us, we will be happy to help